Customer center

The product is in stock.
The product is ordered from the supplier and the delivery date is confirtmed.
The product is ordered from the supplier, but the delivery date is not confirmed.
The product has to be ordered from the supplier
This product is located on the remote storage.
The product is ordered from the supplier, but the delivery date is not confirmed.
The goods ordered from our supplier's stock.
Unverified - Please contact customer service for more information.

Thank you for using our B2B shop at Syversen.

Here in our CUSTOMER CENTER you can check your account, your orders, get a copy of your invoice, change your password and add/edit contact persons.


When you are logged in you will see your purchase price.

You find all RETAIL PRICES on the Box Content paperwork that follows your order, and also in you pricat exel file that comes by email together with your PDF order confirmation.


If you have any questions or need help, please contact us by phone at +47 69 35 13 50 or by mail at

Have a nice shopping experience - Best from Team Syversen.